How To Remove Stains From Your Shower

Whether it’s a pesky yellow stain on your glass shower or a crusty film of soap scum on your shower door, hard water stains can be tough to get rid of. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can tackle those pesky stains without resorting to harsh chemicals. These natural cleansers are sure to leave your shower looking like new again!


Vinegar is a natural disinfectant that can kill bacteria and germs. White vinegar can be used to remove hard water stains from glass shower doors and faucet heads, as well as soap scum. It is an effective alternative to harsh chemicals and can be easily purchased at your local grocery store. If you have a showerhead that is soiled with mineral deposits, try wrapping it in a plastic bag and filling it with white vinegar. The acetic acid in the vinegar will break down the mineral deposit build-up. Leave it in the solution for up to 30 minutes.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a great cleaning product and it can be used to remove pesky shower stains. It can be used as a mild abrasive, scouring agent and deodorizer to dissolve dirt, tackle odors, and cut through grime. All you have to do is combine a mixture of vinegar and water to create a cleaning solution and apply it to the stained area. Then you can wipe it clean with a cloth. And the best thing about baking soda is that it’s affordable and effective at many of its cleaning tricks.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic liquid that’s traditionally used to clean cuts and skin wounds. But the stuff is also useful for disinfecting, whitening and stain removal. You can use hydrogen peroxide on pretty much anything in your home, as long as you don’t use too strong of a concentration. And it’s safer than bleach, too! Mix a solution of baking soda and 3% hydrogen peroxide for a paste that will help get rid of pesky shower stains. Or spray it onto mildewy shower curtains, walls, and tile surfaces to kill the mold and mildew that’s built up there.

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What Is the History of Porcelain?

The history of porcelain dates back many years. The Tang Dynasty, around 600 AD, is generally accredited with having or creating the first primitive forms of porcelain. From its beginning, though, Porcelain is characterized by whiteness that has always helped to set it apart.

That also explains why porcelain is a sought-after and popular material for high-quality vases and tableware, in addition to various collectibles, such as dolls.

Types of Porcelain

Porcelain is appreciated for its unrivaled appearance, finish, and gloss, unlike any other material we know. Also known as China (for the namesake of where it is made), porcelain is composed of two materials, kaolin and petuntse. That latter is found only in China, while kaolin is responsible for the exceptional whiteness associated with porcelain.

There are also three basic types of porcelain; hard-paste, soft-paste, and bone china. While each of these is desired, there are some distinct differences between them.

Hard-Paste Porcelain

If you are paying top-dollar for porcelain, then the chances are good you are looking at hard-paste porcelain. This type of porcelain is considered the purest form and strictly uses kaolin and petuntse in its manufacture.

Soft-Paste Porcelain

This European-born type of porcelain, also known as artificial porcelain, is composed of fine clay and glass-like substances. It was created to mimic porcelain and has a softer and creamy color. Although considered second-tier to pure porcelain, soft-paste porcelain has garnered and earned a place among collectors everywhere.

Bone China

This popular form of porcelain still uses kaolin and petuntse, but also adds bone ash from animals to its composition. Almost exclusively produced in Europe, porcelain manufacturers discovered this combination of materials during the mid-1700s. One of the most distinct differences in bone china is an increased translucence in the final product.

A-1 Porcelain & Fiberglass Service Co., LLC

Welcome to A-1 Porcelain & Fiberglass Service Co., LLC. We have been serving Phoenix, AZ and surrounding communities with bathtub and shower refinishing services for more than 40 years. We can help with all bathroom fixtures, and our experts will repair your tubs, showers, and sinks. 

We also specialize in repairing cracked fiberglass tubs. At A-1 Porcelain & Fiberglass Service Co., LLC, our customers also know they can turn to us for any maintenance needs, including caulking, installation, and replacement of all bathroom fixtures. Contact us if you have any questions or to schedule a visit today, 

How To Remove Paint From Porcelain

Porcelain can be found almost anywhere in your home. Porcelain is not just found in sinks, but also in certain tiles. If you are wondering how to get your porcelain sparkling by removing the paint, there are certain methods you can use. Paint on porcelain can be taken off by using denatured alcohol and an old rag. But, this may not always do the trick. Continue reading to learn about some other methods you can use to remove paint from porcelain.

Methods for Removing Paint From Porcelain

Always make your safety a priority when taking on any type of project inside or outside your home. This really applies to the use of chemicals. Before we discuss different methods to get rid of paint from porcelain, don’t forget to protect your skin by wearing the appropriate gloves and safety goggles.

Removing Oil-Based & Water-Based Paint

If you are dealing with water-based and oil-based paints, here are some ways you can eliminate them safely.

The best way to eliminate these paints is by using a paint stripper. You can easily purchase a paint stripper designed just for oil and water-based paints. For the most part, you should be able to simply wipe it off using a rag. But, other times, you may need to actually scrub these areas to get the paint off. Avoid using a metal scraper to not cause damage to the porcelain. Instead, aim for a plastic or rubber scraper.

Removing Spray Paint & Enamel Paint

Spray paint can also be removed from porcelain by using hairspray. Hairspray is handy because it contains alcohol that can easily disintegrate the paint, making it very simple for you to wipe off. If you don’t have hairspray lying around, try nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol.

If you are trying to eliminate enamel paint, you can use a paint remover designed to eliminate enamel. It can be sprayed directly on the paint or onto a cloth first. Prior to wiping the paint off, allow the spray to sit for several minutes.

Removing Latex Paint & Acrylic Paint 

Latex paint can be removed the same way oil and wet-based paints are, using denatured alcohol and a rag. You are probably also going to need an old toothbrush to scrub away the rest of the paint.

Acrylic paints only require a rubber or plastic scraper to help chip away the paint from the porcelain. If this doesn’t do the trick, you may also need to use denatured alcohol to break up the paint before scrubbing it off.

Removing Dried Paint

If you are dealing with dried paint on your porcelain surfaces, you can try using a paint stripper to remove the paint so you don’t cause any damage to the surface itself. You can then scrub it using a plastic scraper and a rag to wipe away any remnants.

These methods are all very helpful. But what if you are trying to remove paint stains that remain after the actual paint has been removed from the porcelain? The best way to eliminate paint stains is to use a toothbrush, vinegar, or dawn dishwashing liquid. Stains may not come off immediately but, instead, slowly diminish over time.

What Is the Best Way To Clean Porcelain?

Do you want to know how to clean a porcelain sink? Keeping your porcelain sink clean will make your bathroom or kitchen shine like new. Porcelain is a special type of material. If you do not properly maintain your porcelain sink, you will find that it is prone to discoloring and depreciation when used frequently.

How To Clean Porcelain Sinks

Are you looking for ways to get your porcelain sparkling? If so, there are a few methods you can use to achieve great results.

Kitchen Porcelain Sinks

If you have a porcelain sink in your kitchen, you will notice that food particles can cause spots on your sink. Never leave any type of food in your sink. After washing your dishes, be sure to clean your sink right away to avoid staining and discoloration. Additionally, you should not leave any silverware in your sink since it can result in lacerations in your porcelain. To prevent this from occurring, you can use a rubber mat for protection.

Bathroom Porcelain Sinks

If you have a porcelain sink in your bathrooms, you should maintain it to prevent it from becoming faded. Hard water will only speed up this process due to the calcium and other minerals in the water. Porcelain sinks in the bathroom are also prone to rust, depending on your water type. Be careful with using hair color products near your sink, since they can cause the porcelain to peel.

How To Clean Stains in Porcelain Sinks

If you do end up staining your porcelain sink, there are various ways you can eliminate them. You need to be careful with the products you use so you don’t cause more damage or make the stains worse. Only stick with gentle solutions and never use bleach. You should also use a soft towel and nothing that will leave any marks behind.

It is best to begin with using soap and warm water to eliminate any soap, toothpaste, or any other type of particle from your porcelain sink. Instead of scrubbing your sink, you can use bleach or peroxide just to eliminate stains. If you want to avoid using bleach altogether, you can opt-in for diluted vinegar. Be sure that you rinse the sink completely after washing away the stains to avoid leaving any remnants behind.

If you are dealing with extreme stains, be sure to purchase a mild abrasive cleaner but only use a very tiny amount. Another tip worth noting is that naval jelly is good for eliminating rust stains. Remember, you only need to use a very small amount of product.

Final Word

Cleaning a porcelain sink doesn’t have to be complicated. Using the right solutions and equipment will make your porcelain sink look as good as new. Also, maintaining your porcelain sink is key to avoiding scratches, marks, and stains. But, mishaps do happen and there are safe ways you can clean your sink and have it spotless again.